Best Places to Work 2021: Jahnel Group

What they do: Software

Location: Schenectady

Top executive: Darrin Jahnel, CEO; Jason Jahnel COO

Employees: 83

BPTW wins: 5

Does your company offer flexible work options — including work from home or hybrid options? When our office reopened after Covid we moved to a “Choose your Own Adventure” model, allowing our employees to build their schedules around what works best for them.

What’s something interesting about your company that most people don’t know? We always have some kind of challenge going on! For many years we held the Million Push Up Challenge where our team was collectively working toward completing one million push ups. We are currently hosting the 10 Million Stairs Challenge and anytime you come to Jahnel Group you’ll likely find some maniacs running flights of stairs up to our fifth-floor headquarters.

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