Jahnel Group - Insights

Why Prioritizing Code Quality is Crucial for Successful Projects - Part 1

Written by Chris Warner | 11.30.2023

Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Organization's Source Code

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, software is critical in driving innovation, enhancing customer experiences, and maintaining a competitive edge. Behind every successful software product lies a foundation that often goes unnoticed: the source code. The source code can be a mystical thing that has confusing symbols and structures. You don’t need to understand this magic directly to measure the quality of your organization's source code. Code quality is not merely a technical concern but a strategic asset that holds immense value for your organization, just as an office building or other physical asset.
However, in pursuing rapid development and delivery of new features, prioritization of short-term gains over long-term success, unintentionally or intentionally, accumulates technical debt and therefore compromises the health and potential of their codebase. This negligence has far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the engineering team, impacting productivity, innovation, and, ultimately, the organization's bottom line. Many organizations need to pay more attention to the importance of code quality.

In this article, we delve into the critical importance of code quality and the urgent need for businesses to prioritize proactive code management as an integral part of their overall strategy. We will explore the detrimental effects of disregarding source code maintenance, examine the potential hidden costs, and shed light on the transformative power of refactoring and clean code practices. By the end, you'll understand why code quality is the key to successful projects and how investing in it can unlock your organization's potential.

Why Code Quality Matters: Unlocking the Potential of Your Organization

Source code holds significant value as a strategic asset for companies. Neglecting source code leads to degraded performance within your engineering team and erodes the investment that drives innovation and, ultimately, your competitive advantage. We will explore the effects of disregarding source code maintenance, examine the hidden costs, and highlight the urgent need for businesses to prioritize proactive code management.

The Consequences of Feature-Driven Development?

Decreased Productivity, increased time to market, and an increase in production bugs, are often traced back to engineers that came before. The reality is that the root of these challenges can be traced back weeks, months, or even years in the past. Years of neglecting crucial practices such as unit testing, documentation, and refactoring have contributed to the current situation. However, one key factor that can exacerbate the problem is the tendency to assign new feature work to a particular engineer continually.  When others grumble about changes required, this engineer is always willing to take on the task, regardless of the long-term effects on the code base. While this may seem like a convenient solution in the short term, it gradually erodes the overall quality of the code and undermines the cohesion and morale of your entire team. Code bases reflect the organizational health surrounding them, and when an organization prioritizes short-term gains over long-term code quality, it ultimately hinders productivity and innovation.

The Illusion of Scaling Through Indiscriminate Hiring

“Just add more engineers.”  Adding more engineers without addressing the underlying code quality issues will only exacerbate the situation, leading to diminishing returns and further challenges. This phenomenon is explained by Amdahl’s law.  If you have never heard of Amdahl's law, initially discussed in the context of parallel computing, its underlying principle applies to this situation. Amdahl famously stated that adding a new thread (or another worker in this case) to a process does not automatically increase the overall productivity of a system. Because the system is limited by its worst performing component.

Regarding software development, adding more engineers by indiscriminately hiring more will only sometimes lead to increases in productivity for your development team. However, It may exacerbate the challenges you're already facing. It can create issues like synchronization overhead and create merge conflicts which will prevent multiple developers from simultaneously working on the same file. Issues like these will inevitably create bottlenecks and hinder efficiency. 

Furthermore, onboarding new developers takes time, reducing your team's capacity as someone must train the newcomer. Eventually, concerns from the CFO or worse may arise, questioning the affordability of continuously adding more engineers. If you were to plot the payroll costs against the feature release timeline, you would observe a characteristic hockey stick shape—a sharp rise in cost without a proportional increase in productivity. This pattern serves as a clear indicator that your organization is grappling with codebase challenges.

Understanding the Impact on Your Organization's Bottom Line

The Financial Impact of Neglecting Code Quality

In addition to the detrimental effects on productivity and innovation, neglecting code quality can have significant financial implications for organizations. C-suite executives and decision-makers must understand the potential costs involved and the cost savings you can achieve by focusing on a healthy code base. Poor code quality leads to “Technical Debt” and eventually that debt will need to be paid through code refactors and additional development time. So, here are some key considerations:

  1. Increased Development Costs: Poor code quality increases development costs over time. Technical debt accumulates as the quick fixes and shortcuts that engineers take to ensure they meet their delivery obligations. This makes it more challenging and time-consuming to develop new features or modify existing ones. This results in extended development cycles and higher developer time and effort costs.

  2. Maintenance and Support Expenses: Codebases with poor code quality are more challenging to maintain and support. The lack of clean and maintainable code often leads to frequent system failures, bugs, and crashes, requiring significant resources to troubleshoot and resolve issues. The ongoing maintenance and support costs can escalate, impacting the organization's budget.

  3. Higher Testing and Quality Assurance (QA) Costs: Codebases with low code quality are prone to defects and errors. As a result, testing and QA efforts become more intensive and time-consuming. Additional resources are required to identify and fix bugs, conduct thorough testing, and ensure software reliability. These increased testing and QA costs can strain the organization's financial resources.

  4. Opportunity Costs: Neglecting code quality can have indirect costs regarding missed opportunities. Poor code quality can lead to slower time to market, delayed feature releases, and the inability to respond quickly to customer demands. Poor Code Quality can result in missed business opportunities, decreased market share, and potential revenue loss.

The Cost Savings of Focusing on Refactoring

Organizations can achieve significant cost savings in the long run by prioritizing code quality and investing in refactoring efforts. Here's how:

  1. Reduced Development and Maintenance Costs: Focusing on refactoring improves codebase health, making it easier and more efficient to develop new features and modify existing ones. Clean and maintainable code reduces the time and effort required for development, resulting in shorter development cycles and lower development costs. Moreover, a well-structured codebase minimizes the need for extensive maintenance, decreasing ongoing maintenance expenses.
  2. Reduced Testing and QA Costs: Codebases with high code quality are more reliable and have fewer defects. Increased Code quality reduces testing and QA efforts and lowers bug-fixing and troubleshooting costs. Efficient and effective testing processes save resources and help optimize the testing budget.
    Faster Time to Market: Focusing on refactoring and code quality allows for a shorter turnaround time for new features and enhancements. Clean and maintainable code allows for quicker development and deployment, ensuring that the organization can respond promptly to customer needs and market demands. The ability to release features faster can lead to competitive advantages and increased revenue opportunities.

  3. Clean, understandable code can enhance customer satisfaction and retention: High code quality results in more reliable, stable, and user-friendly software. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal and refer others, positively impacting the organization's revenue and brand reputation. Organizations can improve customer satisfaction and retention by providing a seamless user experience and minimizing issues and disruptions.

For engineers, from technical literature and conferences, the skills of refactoring, clean code, and design principles are heavily emphasized.  However, for some managers, these topics are often misunderstood or outright shunned by and can be challenging to introduce in a real-world setting. It's critical, however, to note that the advantages of code refactoring and quality may take time to become apparent to all members of an organization. As a software engineer, I've encountered this problem multiple times.

I've heard one common argument: "We don't have time for refactoring; we need to focus on delivering new features." Often, this resistance originates from leaders who may not have had an engineering background or hands-on experience, leading to decisions that prioritize short-term goals at the expense of the long-term success of software development.

Your source code matters; paying attention to its quality can increase productivity. Poor code quality can even lead to difficulties in retaining talented engineers. Therefore, it's vital to consider these factors and actively listen to your engineers to ensure steady progress and long-term success.

Coming Up

In part two of this three part series, we will dive into the intricate web of factors affecting software release times, unpack the true cost of compromised code quality, and reveal the hidden crisis lurking within your organization's source code, These insights will highlight the critical interplay between technical debt, engineering productivity, and long-term business success.

Author Bio

Chris Warner is a Senior Software Engineer at Jahnel Group, Inc., a custom software development firm based in Schenectady, NY. Jahnel Group is a consulting firm that specializes in helping companies leverage technology to improve their business operations. We provide end-to-end strategic consulting and deployment services, helping companies optimize their operations and reduce costs through the use of technology. Jahnel Group is an Advanced Tier AWS Services Partner, with expertise in AWS Lambdas, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, and other AWS services